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Get To Know Your Travel Visa Application

Get to know your travel visa application

In a few weeks to come, Australia will embrace the summer season. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of travellers from around the world will flock to the Land of Oz in search for their own amazing adventures. If you are one of the travellers heading to Australia, here are some tips and options you need to know when applying for an Australian visa before you go… except if you are an Australian or qualified New Zealand passport holders.




Option 1: Apply ETA visa first, flight ticket second

Unless you are planning to head to Australia in two years time, it is best for you to apply for the ETA visa before getting yourself a flight ticket because the visa will be valid for a whopping one year! When applying for the visa, all you need to provide is your passport details and approval will be issued within 24 hours.

Apply at:


Option 2: If the flight ticket comes first

Consider this – your local airline is doing a promotion and at the first opportunity you have, you seize the tickets without hesitation. So when you are in the state of euphoria, do remember to apply for your visa about four to six months before your trip. In case of an unforeseen situation where your application for the ETA visa has not been approved, you can appeal and the decision will take two weeks but if there is no direct news on your appeal, it is highly risky and we suggest you opt for the third option.

Appeal at:


Option 3: ETA visa rejected, no appeal can be made

Don’t be afraid to take this last option when all has failed or if you do not wish to wait any longer for the appeal; the last option is your way forward, you can apply for the visitor visa subclass 600 with a fee of RM562. All you need to do is download the form, fill it in online, print, make an appointment and submit the form at VFS Global. The results will be in within a month to two months and no calls or emails are required to follow up on the application. All you can do is wait patiently for an email from them to know on the outcome.

Download form at:

Appointment at:…/mal…/Schedule_an_Appointment.html




Yes, your flight ticket is here! We know your excitement but keep calm and start breathing because before you can hug that cuddly little koala, you need to get your visa approved. Have a go at these tips.


Passport – If you want to fly to the Land of Oz, it is best that your passport has a record abroad, not a new passport made solely for your journey to Australia.


Men have a higher risk of visa rejection – Did you know that 99% of visa-rejected cases are men aged 15-45? So men within this age range – be it husband/father/child/siblings going for a family vacation, you guys best prepare for the worst case scenario.  As for the ladies, there should be lesser problems regarding this issue.


The option of visitor visa sub-class 600 – Consider this: your application for the ETA visa has been rejected, why should you waste more of your time appealing for the same visa? Continue the appeal with a sub-class 600 visa applications instead. It may be slightly expensive but your chance to get that visa is higher.


Bank Statement – Your bank statement is your best friend when you want to appeal for your visa. Upon submitting your statement, make sure you have quite a considerable amount of money if not the first assumption they will have of you is hunting for a job in their country.


Apply for your visa early – Like your passport, your visa is your life when you travel to Australia. Try applying it as early as four to six months before travelling because if the worst-case scenario were to happen to you, there is still ample time to appeal; the application process is about two months. Don’t worry too much if you apply early, the visa is valid for one year!


Avoid going in and out of the country often – You wouldn’t want to raise a red flag at the immigration now, do you? Frequently going in and out of Australia will make the immigration question your motive unless you have a nearby family living there or you are under a student visa, then it wouldn’t really be a problem.




So when you need some Australia travel tips, give yourself lots of time to know and understand the types of ETA visa for a smooth trip to Australia.

ETA601 – Thanks to this electronic system, you can now know your status within 24 hours. This is what people usually opt for since the payment is as low as RM20 and is the first visa that people apply for before travelling. But be warned! The risk of rejection is more common with this visa.

ETA600 – When it comes to this visa, a member of the staff will go through your documents manually. The price is a tad higher at RM600 to RM700 and the application process will usually take around two to four weeks to be approved. This will be your last option should your ETA601 visa application got rejected. Do take note that this is no sure way of guaranteeing a passage to Australia.




Not to dampen the mood, but thanks to our many experience, there are two types of passport that are rejected automatically by the Australian ETA visa system that are in used:

  1. Passports issued in 2017 and 2018.
  2. Male and female from the ages of 18 to 35 –The Australian government is seeing this as a pattern due to the influx of workers with no permits. But a few lucky ones do get through but it is all down to luck.




We know your disappointment and desperation if your ETA601 visa has been rejected, and we also understand you could even resort throwing your frustrations to the agents and urging them to solve the issue… ASAP.

Yet, do try to grasp that the Australian Embassy representatives have set these procedures and there is nothing that you or us can do about it. Now, these are the two common mistakes people make upon visa rejection:

  1. Hold yourself from breezing into any visa centre or embassy – There is a high probability of you getting the silent treatment, as the staffs themselves do not have the power to approve your application. You can, however, get in touch with them via email at
  2. Avoid referring to any other agents – Should an agent not have the chance to get through, do not put your hopes high as the odds may not be in your favour. Just like point number one, these people do not have the power to approve your visa.




If your application for an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) was lodged online (via or through a travel agent and you received a system message advising you to “refer to Embassy”, you will need to send the following MANDATORY information to the Department.

ETA Application Requirements

  1. Completed ETA Additional Information Request Form (click here to download the form); and
  2. A copy of the ETA applicant’s passport biodata page (the page with the passport holder’s details and photo) and passport observation page; and
  3. A copy of the screenshot of the ETA referral screen (if available).

The Department also requires you to provide additional information to determine that you genuinely intend to visit Australia for tourism or business visitor purposes.  You are required to provide:

  1. A statement and itinerary regarding your intended stay in Australia.  Please include evidence of any arrangements made (if any).
  2. A list of your immediate family members (including full names and dates of birth), indicating which of these family members will be travelling with you.
  3. Please provide details of other travelling companions or people accompanying you on the trip other than family members.  Please include their full name and date of birth.
  4. Provide details of all family, friends and contacts in Australia.  Please include their full names and dates of birth. Please indicate if they are Australian citizens or permanent residents.  If not, please indicate visa status and the reason for their stay in Australia.
  5. Evidence of your employment. This should be:
    • A statement from the employer that indicating your annual salary and that you have approved leave for your travel to Australia, or
    • If you and/or your sponsor are self-employed, business registration documents and financial records for the business (such as bank statements).

If you are not employed, please provide other evidence of your financial capacity or evidence from the person who supports you (including evidence of your relationship with that person).

  1. Bank statements showing at least the previous two months’ transactions.  Please include all bank accounts that you and/or your sponsor hold.

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